September 19, 2024

The Power of Always-On In-Car Marketing: Why Consistency Drives Results

A nudge is no longer enough—you need to stay top of mind, all the time.

Every day, consumers are overwhelmed by an endless stream of signals, ads, and messages, making it harder than ever to stand out. Brands are coming to realize that occasional promotions aren’t enough anymore—they need to adopt an 'always-on' marketing approach. To succeed, your audience must consistently see your brand, know your locations, and understand your services—day in, day out.

This is where always-on In-Car Marketing comes into play.

While seasonal campaigns for holidays and special events like Black Friday, Christmas, and Easter remain crucial, the real power lies in maintaining a continuous presence. Always-on marketing campaigns, which ensure your brand stays visible throughout the year, can be the difference between passive recognition and active engagement.

Staying Visible with Always-On In-Car Marketing

In an always-on marketing strategy, visibility is key. Leading businesses understand that to stay top of mind, they need to be ever-present, ensuring their audience engages with their brand on a regular basis.

One of the most effective ad formats for maintaining this consistent presence in In-Car Marketing is the Branded Pin. By placing Branded Pins directly onto a vehicle's navigation system, businesses showcase their logo on car screens, keeping their brand visible and reminding drivers of their proximity to your location every time they pass by.

And this type of regular exposure doesn't just boost awareness—it drives action. A driver might not stop the first or even the second time they see your Branded Pin, but with consistent exposure, the likelihood of converting impressions into visits rises dramatically.

But action after the first impression does still happen regularly:
A recent survey has shown that 62% of drivers express intent to visit a store after seeing a Branded Pin for the first time.

The importance of staying visible cannot be overstated. A study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, titled “When Brands Go Dark,” found that when brands stop broad-reach advertising for a year or longer, sales decline by 16% after the first year, 25% after two years, and 36% after three years.

This demonstrates how critical consistent visibility is for maintaining momentum and avoiding long-term declines.

Take the example of a coffee shop chain. With your Branded Pin always present on the driver's navigation system, your coffee shop remains top of mind during their daily commute. In many ways, the Branded Pin acts like a digital storefront sign—if drivers no longer see it, they may even assume the shop is closed or no longer in operation.

Over time, this consistent presence builds familiarity and trust, making it far more likely that they'll choose your location when they need their caffeine fix. The goal is for your brand to not only be seen but to become part of the driver's habitual journey.

Discoverability in Always-On Marketing

In addition to staying visible, another crucial element of any always-on marketing strategy is ensuring that when potential customers actively search for products or services, your brand is the first one they find. This is where discoverability comes into play.

One of the most powerful tools for achieving this in In-Car Marketing is Sponsored In-Car Search. This ad format ensures your brand appears at the top of relevant search results when drivers use their car screens to find destinations.

For instance, when a driver searches for a "supermarket," your supermarket brand should be the first option they see. Because drivers are often in immediate need and have limited time to consider multiple options, they are far more likely to select one of the first suggestions that appears.

Take the example of a driver searching for the nearest pizza restaurant. By maintaining an always-on Sponsored In-Car Search campaign, you can appear in the top spot of their search results, becoming the go-to choice for their next meal - significantly increasing the likelihood of a visit.

Sponsored In-Car Search exemplifies how brands can position themselves to meet the real-time needs of their audience, converting searches into valuable customer visits.

Relevancy in Always-On Marketing

In an always-on marketing strategy, relevancy is essential. It's not just about being visible or discoverable—it's about showing up when your audience needs you most. This is where the true power of always-on marketing lies: delivering timely, contextually relevant messages that provide real value to the consumer in the moment.

In-Car Recommendations are a perfect example of this. This one-of-a-kind ad format leverages real-time vehicle data, such as low fuel levels or long driving distances, to deliver tailored recommendations exactly when they're needed.

For instance, when a driver's fuel tank is running low, your gas station brand can appear as a recommended solution, offering immediate value and convenience.

The key to In-Car Recommendations is that they are helpful, not intrusive. These ads seamlessly integrate into the driving experience by providing solutions in real-time, creating a positive association between your brand and the driver's needs.

By running an always-on In-Car Recommendation campaign, you can ensure that your brand always appears at the right moment, becoming a trusted resource, increasing the likelihood of immediate engagement, and fostering long-term loyalty.

Balancing Seasonal and Always-On Marketing Campaigns

While always-on marketing ensures consistent visibility and engagement throughout the year, seasonal campaigns also play a crucial role in driving traffic during key moments. Black Friday, Christmas, and other holidays provide unique opportunities to boost conversions with time-sensitive offers. However, the brands that truly excel are the ones that balance these short bursts of activity with the sustained presence of an always-on marketing strategy.

Always-on marketing complements your seasonal campaigns by acting as a continuous backdrop to your holiday efforts. When drivers see your brand consistently throughout the year, the familiarity you've built increases the likelihood they will engage with your seasonal promotions. Your brand becomes trusted, making consumers more inclined to choose you during high-demand periods.

Additionally, major events like the Olympics, the Euro Cup, IAA Mobility or even local festivals present perfect opportunities for targeted, event-specific campaigns. By weaving these short-term campaigns into your long-term always-on in-car marketing strategy, your brand can maximize its presence without losing the consistency that keeps it top of mind year-round.

Consistency Drives Success

Always-on marketing is revolutionizing how brands connect with consumers. And as In-Car Marketing continues to evolve, one thing is clear: brands that prioritize consistency and relevancy will lead the way in driving results.

Ready to elevate your strategy? Ensure your brand is always present, always relevant, and always valuable to drivers and on-the-go customers. Connect with one of 4screen's In-Car Marketing Advisors to get started.

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